New Beginnings | Powder Pack & Dark Side Fair

April 26, 2019

Good day my fine Second Lifers, how are you all on this fine day?  If you didn't read that in a stereotypical posh English accent then please do so now as that is the voice I used when typing it.  It's an odd day today and I will talk a little more about what is going on in my world further into the blog.  For right now I want to talk about some of these items more in depth, so let's get into it!

I am not wearing very much today because I felt I didn't need to.  The items I am wearing have so much detail in them that I feel they speak for themselves.  The outfit I am wearing comes all together, but they are not linked so you can wear shorts, tank top and tube top separately if you wish.  The shorts you can change the colour of the metals. the shorts and the belt.  You can also show or hide the belt and the metal detailing.  The tank top can be worn in a plain colour style, or you can opt for this decal style that I am wearing, which I love and I find gives this so much uniqueness.  The tank top also has transparency options which is neat too.  You can change the colours of the tube top and tank top separately as well.

So onto my real life.  I don't talk a whole bunch about my real life on my blog, but when I do I try and keep it relevant which is why it is often about my health as that effects how often I post.  I have been trying vaping CBD as a way to relieve some of my symptoms of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND for short) and my mental health issues.  It has only been a couple of days but there is already such a difference in me and it has shown me just how bad things were.  I knew my health was bad, I just didn't realise it was quite that bad.  It has been enlightening, and although I have some experimenting to do with different strengths and types, so far I have been really enjoying the results.

Alright, let's get back on track, yeah?  So I also wanted to talk about the poses I used today.  These are pretty neat because you can buy these in 2 different styles, slim or curvy.  That means if you have a larger avatar you can buy the curvy poses and not have issues with hands clipping and things like that.  I have quite a slim avatar and even at times I have problems with that, so it's great to have those options.  It also means if you are wearing a really frilled out dress could use the curvy poses to help not have your hands go inside of the dress.  I will for sure be using those the next time I blog a ball gown or something along those lines.

So I hope you enjoyed this post!  Yep, I rambled on quite a bit this time, but that is because I am actually feeling pretty good for a change, and it's great.

♥ Alex

The Look

Hair | Jamie by Truth

Outfit | Jax Outfit by Justice

Boots | Grace Boots by Pure Poison

Eyeliner | Touch Up by Spicy Bodyshop for Powder Pack
Genus March 2019 Pack

Lipstick & Lashes | Miracle by Euphoric for Powder Pack
Genus March 2019 Pack

Tattoo | Maison by Dappa

Head | Classic Bento Head by Genus Project

Ears | Steking Ears Season 5 by Mandala

Eyes | Erin Eyes by The Little Bat

Skins | Piper by Essences for Powder Pack
Genus March 2019 Pack

Body | Lara by Maitreya

Shape | Homemade Shape

The Scene

Location | Arranmore

Poses | End Of Innocence V1 by Image Essentials for Dark Side Fair
April 6th - April 30th 2019

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