Life's A Beach | PocketGacha April 2018

April 18, 2018

Pocket Gacha's April Round is here and it's a cute one!  We have Pineapples, Unicorns, Rainbows and Metalic Plants.  Don't worry if none of those things are for you, there are plenty of other items just those were some of my favs.  Feel free to watch my video too as I go through the catalog, I love looking through with you guys and I try my hardest to keep as much as I can a surprise just for these videos.

Ok, so Pineapples.  I love pineapples, they are the giver of life and the pineapple Gods look down upon us and bless us with sweet juicy centers... Anyway, isn't this outfit cute?!  I love it and I needed it and I got and I am so happy and I never want to take it off.  This one is a rare print, but the commons are really cute I actually like the mint common a lot and was wearing it yesterday as I had been wearing the pineapples for 3 days and wanted slight change, haha. 

The gacha does come with shoes but they weren't my style, and I wanted an excuse to wear these ones.  The colours go great together and the pastels on the HUD for the shoes are an almost perfect match for the common colours of this outfit.  For accessories I went with something simple and summery, the rings are a recent purchase of mine and I have been loving them.  As for the necklace I have had it for ages and I don't think I have ever shown it to you?  Maybe I have I don't remember.

The finishing touch is the sunglasses, these are a group gift.  They are in the "past gifts" box, so you need to grab that and find them inside.  I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did.  If you see me out and about in Second Life then don't be surprised if you see me in this outfit.

♥ Astara

Clothes & Shoes

Outfit | Pineapple Outfit by Butter @ Pocket Gacha
April 15th - May 10th 2018

Shoes | Vicious Pumps by Moda

Accessories & Piercings

Sunglasses | Pastel Sunglasses by Suicidal Unborn
VIP Group Gift - 100L Join Fee

Necklace | Luna Necklace by Dahlia

Rings | Lucia by Elise

Cosmetics & Tattoos

Nails | Included on Maitreya HUD

Anatomy & Hair

Hair | Scout by Truth

Ears | Steking Ears Season 5 by Mandala

Head | Neve by LAQ

Body | Lara by Maitreya

Skin | Kiyomi - Ivory & Regular Body - Ivory by Pink Fuel

Shape | Homemade Shape

Scene & Location

Location | Baja Sands

Poses | Part of seashells I am sat on

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