But First, Tea! | Sultry Event

December 05, 2020

A nice cup of tea before we start, Sir? This lingerie my dudes is even more stunning in person than I could have imagined. I feel in love with it as soon as Thirst started posting previews and to actually have it on? It's just stunning! I never want to take it off. Please make more pretty like this Thirst! Please please please!

I had a lot of fun editing this one.  I have really been trying hard to learn Photoshop and I am really enjoying it.  Next on my list will be to tackle hair, and honestly, that scares me as I know it's hard to make it look natural.  However I need to try, I think its the last element I need to really make the perfect picture.  A little more practice with the basics though first, wish me luck!
♥ Alex

The Look
Lingerie | Petit Coeur Lingerie by Thirst for Sultry
- Event starts November 17th 2020
- Rigged for Jake & Legacy M

Hair | River Hair by Raven Bell
- Rigged in multiple sizes for Male and Female

Eyes | Self Love by Gloom
- 65L This weekend for SoKawaiiSundays

Head | Human Mesh Head EKASI-02 by 6DOO

Ears | Bento Elf Ears by Astara

Body | Meshbody M by Legacy

Skin | Hayum Skin by More More
- Appliers for 6DOO

Shape | Homemade Shape

The Scene

Facial Poses | Axis HUD by Lelutka
- Works on most Bento Heads

Body Poses | Sleepy by Foxcity

Backdrop | Dreamer by Foxcity

Tea Set | Sarinitie Teaset Gacha by Petrichor

Tray | Gent's Essentials Tray by Short Leash

Handcuffs | Princess's Handcuffs by Short Leash

Butt Plugs | Sugar's Plug by Short Leash

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