Ghost Load | FameshedX & WLRP
October 22, 2020So... I made these photos as a joke and then kinda loved them so did it properly for a blog. I was gonna just censor the Facebook versions of the photos because I don't wanna be in Facebook Jail but I dunno the Censor Bars make it funnier, so I am keeping it! And yes, there are real ghost peens under there, you can even see a little bit of ball if you look close enough. Mmm ghost sac!
If you are curious about my ghost friends they are cute lil animesh buddies you attach to yourself and they float around... and then flash their junk because they are dirty little ghosty boys! Bad ghosties! It's all the ghosties fault I promise I am otherwise a sweet little angel.
So... enjoy my ghostly uhm... ghostkakke?
♥ Alex
The Look
Top | Crop Top V3 by Thirst
- Rigged for Jake, Legacy M
Bottom | Hercul Jersey Shorts by TwoSided
- Rigged for Gianni, Jake, Legacy M, Maitreya
Socks | Sport Ankle Socks by Sn@tch
- Appliers for Omega & System Layers (BOM)
Shoes | Regan Sneakers by Equal
- Rigged for Belleza M&F, Legacy M&F, Maitreya, Signature, Slink M&F, Unrigged
Hair | Azren Hair by Raven Bell
- Unrigged
Collar | Bound Pleasure Collar by Short Leash
- Unrigged
- Event runs 4th October to 31st October 2020
- Unrigged
Ears | Bento Animated Elf Ears by Astara
- Unrigged
Eyes | Lucky by Gloom
- Appliers for Catwa, Genus, Lelutka, & Mesh Eyes
Skin | Hayum Skin by More More
- Appliers for 6DOO
Head | EKASI-02 by 6DOO
Body | Meshbody M by Legacy
Shape | Homemade Shape
The Scene
Facial Poses | Axis HUD by Lelutka
- Works on most Bento Heads
Body Poses | Made within Black Dragon Viewer
Backdrop | Bad Habits by Foxcity
- Event runs 10th October to 6th November 2020